Wonderful PAIR of Poulbot and Poulbotte, boy & girl, (Nenette and Rintintin) bisque sockethead reproduction children, circa 1970s, each measuring 10" tall with inset, antique glass blue eyes, closed mouths and fully incised on each head: 239/Paris/Poulbot. One has the characteristic short red mohair wig and his sister has the same style blonde hair. Each doll has an identical, high quality, five-piece composition toddler body and is undressed. These wonderful and extremely rare dolls were originally made in 1913, designed by the French illustrator, Francisque Poulbot and designed to represent the Montmarte, French children left homeless during WW I. These are the very finest (S.F.B.J.) copies we've seen and make a wonderful, historical addition to your doll collection. They should be dressed as street urchins as they were originally outfitted in various colors of wool, sewn by Mme. Poulbot. Both are in excellent condition with sweet expressions. Please request copies of more historical information when purchasing these dolls. See item our item, #636, for the original Poulbot doll, as well. We forgot to mention that thid pair also have an assortment of about twelve to thirteen items of vintage clothing from which you may dress them or add items of your own (included).
Our #:
S. F. B. J.
Poulbot 239 Poulbotte
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