Very Hard-To-Find, c.1921-26, Set of Famlee doll with extra heads. The 16" American Indian Doll has a composition (screw-on) head with Indian features and dark coloring, side-glancing painted eyes, composition lower arms and legs (some chips on toes, one finger), cloth torso with silent cryer, orig. black mohair wig in braids (space in spots), original two-piece green suit with colorful trim and fringe, original extra blue gauze dress and baby or young girl head with blond mohair wig and bonnet, another original young boy head with molded hair (each head can be changed by screwing them on). There is a color copy of the original advertising for these facinating sets showing all the various characters. The heads all have some paint crazing (some flaking of the paint), but are adorable with good facial color, etc.

Our #:





Berwick Doll Co


Famlee Set

Made in:

